Wednesday, May 28, 2008
સુરત રાત કી બાહોંમે...
સુરતને ખરેખર સોનાની મૂરતના સ્વરૂપમાં હવે જોઇ શકાય છે. રિંગ રોડના તમામ ઓવરબ્રિજ તૈયાર થતાં રાત્રિએ આવો સુંદર કોઇ પરદેશી નજારો જોતા હોઈએ એવું લાગે છે.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
સુરત એપીએમસી ફળ અને શાકભાજીની નિકાસ કરશે
ખેતીવાડી ઉત્પન્ન બજાર સમિતિ, સુરત (એપીએમસી સુરત)ને ફળફળાદી તથા શાકભાજીની નિકાસ કરવા રાજય સરકારે મંજૂરી આપી છે. ફળ-શાકભાજીની નિકાસ મંજૂરી મેળવનાર દેશની સૌપ્રથમ એપીએમસી દ્વારા ૨૨ મે ૨૦૦૮ને ગુરુવારે ૪.૫ ટન કેસરી કેરીનું સૌપ્રથમ કન્સાઇન્મેન્ટ લંડન ખાતે રવાના કરવામાં આવશે.
જોકે, અત્યાધુનિક સુવિધાની સજજ એગ્રોફૂડ પાર્ક કાર્યરત થાય તે પૂર્વે વિશ્વભરના બજારોમાં નિકાસ માર્કેઠ વિકાસવાવના હેતુસર એપીએમસીએ રાજય સરકાર પાસે નિકાસ પરવાનગી માંગી હતી રાજય સરકારે સુરત એપીએમસી અરજીને માન્ય રાખીને ફળ ફળાદી શાકભાજીની નિકાસ કરવા ઔધોગિક મંજૂરી આપી છે.
જે આ પ્રકારે ફળફળાદી શાકભાજીની નિકાસ કરવા મંજૂરી મેળવનાર સુરત એપીએમસી, દેશની એકમાત્ર એપીએમસી બની છે. ખેતપેદાશોની વિદેશમાં નિકાસ કરવાની તૈયારીરૂપે એપીએમસીએ નિકાસ પ્રક્રિયા માટેના જરૂરી તમામ લાઇસન્સ મેળવી લીધા છે. ઉપરાંત રાજય સરકારની પણ મંજૂરી પ્રાપ્ત થતાં નિકાસ પ્રક્રિયા હાથ ધરાશે.
વધુમાં જણાવ્યું હતું કે નિકાસની મંજૂરી મળતાં જ સંસ્થાએ ખેત પેદાશની નિકાસ શરૂ કરવા તજવીજ હાથ ધરી છે. જેના ભાગરૂપે ૨૨ મે ૨૦૦૮ને ગુરુવારે મુંબઇ પોર્ટથી ૪.૫ ટન કેસર કેરીનું કન્સાઇન્મેન્ટ લંડન ખાતેના એટીજી હોલસેલર્સને રવાન કરવામાં આવશે. અમદાવાદ અને મુંબઇથી નિકાસની મંજૂરી મેળવવામાં આવી છે.
હવે ફકત કિસયરન્સ મેળવવાના રવાના થયા બાદ આગામી દિવસોમાં અન્ય પેદાશોની પણ નિકાસ કરવામા આવશે. એપીએમસીના સેક્રેટરી નિલેશભાઇ ખોરાટે જણાવ્યું હતું કે લંડન ખાતે એકસપોર્ટ બાદ મીડલ ઇસ્ટના ૪૪ દેશોમાં શાકભાજી ફળોની નિકાસ પ્રક્રિયા હાથ ધરવામાં આવશે.
Taken from Divyabhaskar
જોકે, અત્યાધુનિક સુવિધાની સજજ એગ્રોફૂડ પાર્ક કાર્યરત થાય તે પૂર્વે વિશ્વભરના બજારોમાં નિકાસ માર્કેઠ વિકાસવાવના હેતુસર એપીએમસીએ રાજય સરકાર પાસે નિકાસ પરવાનગી માંગી હતી રાજય સરકારે સુરત એપીએમસી અરજીને માન્ય રાખીને ફળ ફળાદી શાકભાજીની નિકાસ કરવા ઔધોગિક મંજૂરી આપી છે.
જે આ પ્રકારે ફળફળાદી શાકભાજીની નિકાસ કરવા મંજૂરી મેળવનાર સુરત એપીએમસી, દેશની એકમાત્ર એપીએમસી બની છે. ખેતપેદાશોની વિદેશમાં નિકાસ કરવાની તૈયારીરૂપે એપીએમસીએ નિકાસ પ્રક્રિયા માટેના જરૂરી તમામ લાઇસન્સ મેળવી લીધા છે. ઉપરાંત રાજય સરકારની પણ મંજૂરી પ્રાપ્ત થતાં નિકાસ પ્રક્રિયા હાથ ધરાશે.
વધુમાં જણાવ્યું હતું કે નિકાસની મંજૂરી મળતાં જ સંસ્થાએ ખેત પેદાશની નિકાસ શરૂ કરવા તજવીજ હાથ ધરી છે. જેના ભાગરૂપે ૨૨ મે ૨૦૦૮ને ગુરુવારે મુંબઇ પોર્ટથી ૪.૫ ટન કેસર કેરીનું કન્સાઇન્મેન્ટ લંડન ખાતેના એટીજી હોલસેલર્સને રવાન કરવામાં આવશે. અમદાવાદ અને મુંબઇથી નિકાસની મંજૂરી મેળવવામાં આવી છે.
હવે ફકત કિસયરન્સ મેળવવાના રવાના થયા બાદ આગામી દિવસોમાં અન્ય પેદાશોની પણ નિકાસ કરવામા આવશે. એપીએમસીના સેક્રેટરી નિલેશભાઇ ખોરાટે જણાવ્યું હતું કે લંડન ખાતે એકસપોર્ટ બાદ મીડલ ઇસ્ટના ૪૪ દેશોમાં શાકભાજી ફળોની નિકાસ પ્રક્રિયા હાથ ધરવામાં આવશે.
Taken from Divyabhaskar
Sunday, May 4, 2008
NRI Section
Why choose Surat
Choosing which city to invest in property becomes a though decision to make by NRI's. A lot of factors have to be looked at. Some of the points are discussed below, telling you why Surat would be the perfect destination to live in and to invest your money.
1.The major reason for choosing Surat would be of the investment opportunity here. The returns from real estate are high as it is a growing city.
2. Surat is ranked first among the top 10 cities for earning, investing and residing. Surat has been ranked as the top destination for those seeking employment and doing business. It is a great place to start a new business.
3. Surat is a booming industrial center for textiles, Jari, brocades and is a very important diamond processing centre. Surat has a great export market. Surat is situated on the banks of the Tapi and was one of the greatest Indian Ports during the Mughal regime.
4. Surat has the advantage of being around 300km. from Bombay International Airport. Bombay and Surat are well connected by a busy rail line or road transport. NRI's would be having frequent visitors from abroad so, a home close to Bombay International Airport is then desired.
5. After staying in foreign for a couple of years, NRI's get used to living in a clean environment. Surat is one of the cleanest cities in India.
6. Surat has the most number of flyovers in Gujarat and is also know for its wide roads. It gets easy to move from one place to another as the traffic is well maintained.
7. Surat is rich in culture. Yearly, a large number of traditional and cultural events take place in Surat. All festival are celebrated with great charm and respect. NRI's would love the cultural aspect Surat has to offer.
8. One can never get bored in such a place because of the places to visit in and around Surat. There are great places to go to near Surat for a weekend. There are multiplexes and a number of cinemas located in Surat.
9. Surat has a great climate throughout the year. It never gets too cold or too hot in Surat.
Legal Aspects
It is legal for NRI's to invest in India. The Indian government has allowed 100% repatriation for NRIs. The Reserve Bank has granted a blanket permission to NRIs to purchase immovable property in India for their residential and commercial purposes. There is also no limit on the number of investments or the quantity of investments that can be made in real estate. However, the amount should not be more than the foreign exchange in to hold the property. The property can be purchased from any place outside India or through funds maintained in NRI accounts in the banks within the country.
There are some rules regarding the SALE of property purchased by an NRI. NRI is allowed to sell property only after three years from the date of acquisition for the property or from the date of payment of the final installment of the consideration for its acquisition, whichever is later.
For more details on the purchase or sell of property by NRI's it would be best if you seek legal professional help.
Distance of some cities from Surat
New Delhi:1159km
New Delhi:1159km
Transport in Surat
The means of public transport in the city are met by privately operated autorickshaws. They are the easiest and most convenient mode of transportation in Surat. The city local bus system is not functional in most of the parts of the city.
Surat has the highest number of flyovers in Gujarat. The roads are well maintained.
Surat is connected to the National Highway 8 through a 16k.m. connector highway.
The city is connected to the national railway system through the Western Railways connecting it to Mumbai and beyond to the south as well as New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Vadodara and other cities to the north. There is also a connection to the Central Railways through the Udhana Junction and the Tapti line. The variety of passenger trains range from local trains that stop at all stations on the way, to super fast express trains (by Indian standards) like the August Kranti Rajdhani Express. In addition there are plenty of goods trains that move the goods produced by the city to the rest of the country and beyond, and bring supplies to the city.
Surat Airport is located at Dumas Road, near Magdalla. It became functional from 6th May 2007. Currently, Surat-Delhi flights are operating. It is going to connect to other major cities in India very soon hopefully and also become an International airport in future.
Surat has the highest number of flyovers in Gujarat. The roads are well maintained.
Surat is connected to the National Highway 8 through a 16k.m. connector highway.
The city is connected to the national railway system through the Western Railways connecting it to Mumbai and beyond to the south as well as New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Vadodara and other cities to the north. There is also a connection to the Central Railways through the Udhana Junction and the Tapti line. The variety of passenger trains range from local trains that stop at all stations on the way, to super fast express trains (by Indian standards) like the August Kranti Rajdhani Express. In addition there are plenty of goods trains that move the goods produced by the city to the rest of the country and beyond, and bring supplies to the city.
Surat Airport is located at Dumas Road, near Magdalla. It became functional from 6th May 2007. Currently, Surat-Delhi flights are operating. It is going to connect to other major cities in India very soon hopefully and also become an International airport in future.
About Surat
Located: In Gujarat, on the left bank of the Tapti River, 14 miles from its mouth.
Area:153.16 km²
Languages spoken:Gujarati, Hindi, English.
Surat is situated in Gujarat, on the left bank of the Tapti river, 14 miles from its mouth. Surat is a port city and is the second largest city in Gujarat. It is the ninth largest city in India. A moat indicates the dividing-line between the old city, with its narrow streets and handsome houses, and the newer suburbs, but the city wall has almost disappeared. The Surat district is surrounded by Bharuch, Narmada (North), Navsari and Dang (South) districts. To the west is the Gulf of Cambay.
Surat has the most pleasant climate throughout the year. There is not much change in winter and summer temperature. Although one can visit Surat in any season, the best time to do so would be between October and March.
Surat is now India's second cleanest city after Chandigarh. Even after the floods in 2006, Surat maintained its cleanliness.
Surat was ranked the No.1 city in India to earn, invest and live.
Surat has the highest No. of flyovers in Gujarat. Surat has a very good shopping area. It includes all major brands. Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Subway are some of the major restaurant chains offering fast food to the locals.
Surat is famous for its huge textile and diamond business.
Most of the diamonds are polished in Surat. In 2005, Surat cut 92% of the world's diamond pieces. Because of this it earned India $8 billion in exports. The diamond industry was established in 1901 by gujarati diamond emigrants from South Africa and by mid 70's Surat-based diamond stones began exporting stones to the US for the first time.
Surat is also famous for its saree business. 2 out of every 10 sarees manufactured in India is from Surat. During festive season and during marriage season people fly to surat to buy sarees as they get more varities at cheaper rates too.
Surat has a large production of synthetic fibers and man-made fabrics, therefore contributing almost 28% of India's total synthetic fiber output and 40% of the nation's total man-made fabric production and computrised embroidery work. In addition it, is home to several major processing facilities/manufacturing centers for Reliance Petrochemicals, Essar Steel, Larsen & Toubro, KRIBHCO, ONGC, Shell, and many others.
Area:153.16 km²
Languages spoken:Gujarati, Hindi, English.
Surat is situated in Gujarat, on the left bank of the Tapti river, 14 miles from its mouth. Surat is a port city and is the second largest city in Gujarat. It is the ninth largest city in India. A moat indicates the dividing-line between the old city, with its narrow streets and handsome houses, and the newer suburbs, but the city wall has almost disappeared. The Surat district is surrounded by Bharuch, Narmada (North), Navsari and Dang (South) districts. To the west is the Gulf of Cambay.
Surat has the most pleasant climate throughout the year. There is not much change in winter and summer temperature. Although one can visit Surat in any season, the best time to do so would be between October and March.
Surat is now India's second cleanest city after Chandigarh. Even after the floods in 2006, Surat maintained its cleanliness.
Surat was ranked the No.1 city in India to earn, invest and live.
Surat has the highest No. of flyovers in Gujarat. Surat has a very good shopping area. It includes all major brands. Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Subway are some of the major restaurant chains offering fast food to the locals.
Surat is famous for its huge textile and diamond business.
Most of the diamonds are polished in Surat. In 2005, Surat cut 92% of the world's diamond pieces. Because of this it earned India $8 billion in exports. The diamond industry was established in 1901 by gujarati diamond emigrants from South Africa and by mid 70's Surat-based diamond stones began exporting stones to the US for the first time.
Surat is also famous for its saree business. 2 out of every 10 sarees manufactured in India is from Surat. During festive season and during marriage season people fly to surat to buy sarees as they get more varities at cheaper rates too.
Surat has a large production of synthetic fibers and man-made fabrics, therefore contributing almost 28% of India's total synthetic fiber output and 40% of the nation's total man-made fabric production and computrised embroidery work. In addition it, is home to several major processing facilities/manufacturing centers for Reliance Petrochemicals, Essar Steel, Larsen & Toubro, KRIBHCO, ONGC, Shell, and many others.
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